
Video Rental Chart : Window of Opportunity for ‘Doors’

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“The Doors” is closing in on “Dances With Wolves,” which is still the strongest rental title in most markets, where it continues to top the Billboard magazine rental chart. Director Oliver Stone’s tawdry biography of the Doors’ lead singer Jim Morrison jumped from No. 7 to No. 2 and normally might reach No. 1.

But according to key retailers, “The Godfather Part III,” which came out last week and will debut on the chart next week, is doing bang-up business, rivaling “Wolves” in some markets. If “Godfather III” gets to first place first, that door may be permanently closed to “The Doors.”

* All those stories about the stormy romance between stars Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin during the making of “The Marrying Man” didn’t help at the box office, where it racked up a relatively modest $12.4 million. Many fans listened to critics, who trashed it. Lots of renters, though, are obviously still curious about this romantic comedy, which debuted at No. 8.


Ranking Weeks Ranking 2 Weeks On Rental Top Rentals Last Week Ago Chart 1. “Dances With Wolves” (Orion) 1 1 7 2. “The Doors” (LIVE) 7 ... 2 3. “The Hard Way” (MCA/Universal) 3 6 4 4. “Home Alone” (FoxVideo) 2 2 7 5. “Awakenings” (RCA/Columbia) 5 3 10 * “The Marrying Man” (Hollywood) ... ... 1
