
Two Children Wounded Playing With Gun

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Two Chula Vista children were accidentally shot Thursday afternoon when one of them pulled the trigger of a loaded handgun they were examining, a police spokesman said.

The bullet passed through the right hand of the unidentified 10-year-old boy who pulled the trigger and lodged in the abdomen of Robert Carrera, 10, of 108 G St., said Sgt. Tom Leonard of the Chula Vista police. Leonard declined to release the name of the youngster who fired the gun.

The Carrera boy was taken by Lifeflight helicopter to Children’s Hospital, where he was listed in serious but stable condition after surgery, Leonard said. The other boy was treated and released from Community Hospital, Leonard said.


The boys were in a bedroom of Carrera’s home, examining a .25-caliber semi-automatic pistol belonging to the unidentified boy’s grandfather, when the boy pulled the slide on top of the gun, ejecting a bullet, Leonard said.

Believing the chamber was empty, the boy pulled the trigger, firing the round that wounded them both, Leonard said.
