
CLIPBOARD : Notifiable Diseases Report

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Each week, the Orange County Public Health Department reports to the state the incidence of various notifiable diseases in the county. The following table details a selection of these afflictions for September, the most recent month for which information is available:

NUMBER OF CASES 1991 1990 Year to Date September Year to Year to % Change Disease 1991 Date Date 1990-91 Acquired immune 37 322 367 -12.2 deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Alzheimer’s disease 21 65 266 -75.6 and related conditions Campylobacter 19 243 249 -2.4 Chlamydial infections 392 2,497 2,094 +19.2 Lapse of consciousness 90 1,165 1,484 -21.5 (non-alcohol related) Giardiasis 37 347 417 -16.8 Gonococcal infection 104 702 1,046 -32.9 Hepatitis A 29 226 226 No change Hepatitis B 61 458 412 +11.2 Lead poisoning 18 286 182 +57.1 Non-specific 184 1,699 2,119 -19.8 urethritis Salmonellosis 30 205 261 -21.5 Shigellosis 25 199 228 -12.7 Syphilis 12 294 347 -15.3 Tuberculosis 35 214 191 +12.0

Source: Orange County Public Health Department, “Reported Cases of Specified Notifiable Diseases, “ for September, 1991
