
Horsepower to Pedal Power

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Los Angeles Police Sgt. George Thomas of the Devonshire Division and Officer Joe Losorelli of the Van Nuys Division learned how to ride bikes all over again Friday, this time for the job.

About a dozen officers in the two divisions will soon begin patrolling on bicycles amid efforts to make them more accessible to the public, especially in municipal parks.

Sgt. Jim Blum of the Hollywood Division, the bicycle instructor, said the number of divisions using bike patrols has increased from three to 11 in the past year.


It will be the first such bike patrol in the Valley, and so far, 16 officers have volunteered for the training.

Blum said bicycles enable police to cover more territory than a foot beat and allow officers to see and hear more than they do inside their cars.

The patrols will hit the streets Sunday at the Sherman Oaks Street Faire and Carnival.
