
Democrats’ Same Old Platform

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Whew! When I saw Howard Adler’s Op-Ed piece (“It’s Time to Address the Issues That Voters Really Care About,” Sept. 29), I was very concerned that the Democratic Party would immediately spot the wisdom of Chairman Adler’s views and thereby gain a marked advantage over the Republican Party by way of a platform that would truly appeal to California citizenry.

But I will rest easier after seeing Sally J. Alexander’s letter (“Democratic Party Platform Aims at Issues, Not Polls,” Oct. 13) if, as she promises, their platform contains the usual platitudes: “guarantee full employment . . . establish a national health program . . . advance gun-control laws” and all the rest of that Pablum that adds up to promising to pick our pockets and take away even more of our rights.

Thank you for reassuring me that the wackos and special interest groups still control the Democratic Party.


RANDY SMITH, Yorba Linda
