
State-of-the-Art or Not, a Junkyard’s a Junkyard

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The citizens of Wilmington were not impressed with Hiuka’s (America) state-of-the-art junkyard, after viewing the slides and listening to representatives of the company trying to impress the citizens of Wilmington with Hiuka’s proposed 18-acre junkyard at Berth 200A in Wilmington. Wilmington already has 40 or more similar junkyards. This so-called state-of-the-art junkyard is just another noisy, dusty junkyard, even with their so-called water sprinkler system. If it is going to generate millions of dollars for the Harbor Department and thousands in taxes for the city of Los Angeles, San Pedro seems to get the lion’s share of money from the Harbor Department and city. Leave it in San Pedro. Wilmington doesn’t want it or need it. Whatever happened to (Harbor-area City Councilwoman Joan Milke) Flores, who promised to support the wishes of the citizens of Wilmington? On another city-funded cruise to the Orient!

JOHN J. SCHWAB, Wilmington
