
Doctor Was Entrapped by Agents, Lawyer Says

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A Los Angeles doctor charged with selling steroids to bodybuilders and athletes was entrapped by federal investigators, his lawyer said Monday.

Victor Sherman said his client, Walter F. Jekot, 50, was approached a number of times by informants after a 1988 federal law was enacted making it illegal to sell steroids other than for legitimate medical purposes. “Dr. Jekot refused on a number of occasions,” he said. Eventually, an informant was used who appealed to his sympathy by begging, Sherman said.

Once they had an informant “buy” as the basis to seek a search warrant, they seized his documents, he said. Assistant U.S. Atty. Mark Byrne declined to comment. Jekot was indicted on 27 felony counts of bringing steroids into the country illegally, issuing fraudulent prescriptions and distribution of a substance containing steroids.
