
Picus and Warner Ridge

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The Woodland Hills Chamber of Commerce is disappointed with our councilwoman’s actions on the Warner Ridge development issue and even more disappointed in the manner and style of her opposition.

We do not question Joy Picus’ right to switch her allegiance away from the coalition of business groups, neighboring homeowners and the leadership of Pierce College, which successfully convinced her in the early 1980s to change the General Plan designation for Warner Ridge to commercial use. Furthermore, we do not question her right to reject the recommendation of her own Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Warner Ridge, which supported commercial development.

We do question her perception that her constituents have a monolithic view of the Warner Ridge issue.


To his credit, Jack Spound has attempted to reach out to resolve the legitimate concerns of neighboring landowners. He and his project have considerable community support, including that of this chamber. We are disturbed by the name-calling and “hardball politics” that our councilwoman has needlessly injected into this dispute. We would like her to remember that we, too, are her constituents.

The more important issue is one of fundamental fairness and whether land-use is to be governed by a set of rules that will be fairly and evenly applied. Certainly no one would suggest that land-use decisions be left solely to the whim of the council member in whose district the land lies. That is the inference to be drawn from Picus’ deposition testimony and undoubtedly the reason for the city’s early defeats in the Warner Ridge litigation.

We have many projects being planned in Warner Center that will cross Picus’ desk. We urge our councilwoman to take a higher road when these projects come before her.



Woodland Hills

Curry wrote as president of the Woodland Hills Chamber of Commerce .
