
Scaring Cyclists Is No Joke

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This letter was prompted by the letter from Darcy Sinise in the Oct. 13 paper, regarding the people who spooked her fiance’s horse and caused its death. That was terrible, but the results are worse when the victim is a human being.

I am an avid bicyclist and, along with other cycling enthusiasts, ride on the city streets. I am not a youngster cutting in and out of traffic, but a man of 60--an experienced, law-abiding long-distance cyclist who has bicycled from the Valley to San Diego and Las Vegas, and participated in dozens of 100-mile rides. I wear an approved helmet and colorful cycling clothes to help motorists see me. Under normal conditions, I ride some 125 miles a week.

I too have had to deal with people who drive by and let out horrible blood-curdling screams in my ear. I have had people dump beer, soft drinks or water on me out of passing vehicles. I’m sure that none of these people have given even a passing thought to the possible consequences of their actions.


The worst I encountered was when a pickup truck pulled up next to me and the passenger blasted a hand-held air horn in my ear. I saw a young “lady” hanging her head out of the window and laughing uproariously as the vehicle roared away.

The shock of that episode was indescribable, and the “what ifs” continued in my mind for a long time. “What if” I had lost control of the bicycle and crashed into a parked car, a telephone pole or tree, or swerved into traffic to be hit by a motor vehicle?

If injury or death had resulted, perhaps the perpetrators might have had to live with the guilt. . . . But I doubt it. They probably would have been long gone, still chuckling about how they scared the devil out of that old guy on a bicycle.



North Hills
