
That Squeaky-Clean Buffett Takes a Plunge Into Soaps

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From Baltimore Sun

Where does American TV’s most beautiful, conniving and frequently married woman turn for financial advice?

If you are Erica Kane, the ice queen of the daytime soap “All My Children,” you go to the billionaire who advises anyone else who is really special: the Oracle of Omaha, Warren E. Buffett, temporary chief executive of Salomon Bros. and major shareholder in “All My Children’s” broadcaster, Capital Cities-ABC.

Buffett on Tuesday took a break from solving Salomon’s problems--he got the job of cleaning up the scandal-ridden brokerage because he is so squeaky-clean--to tape a segment of the long-running tale of love, loss, infidelity and all the rest.


Erica gets guidance on how to obtain expansion capital for her booming cosmetics and fashion empire in less than five lines from Buffett and Tom Murphy, chairman of Capital Cities-ABC. An advance copy of the script was provided to the guest stars to preclude “financial faux pas,” according to ABC.

Capital Cities-ABC spokeswoman Julie Hooever said the idea for an encore cameo arose when Buffett and Murphy had a dinner meeting with Agnes Nixon, the creator of “All My Children,” “Loving” and “One Life to Live.” Nixon, Hoover said, is recognized by Capital Cities/ABC as a “soap opera genius” and a tremendous asset to the network.

The show is scheduled to air Nov. 18.
