
Evolution Lawsuit--A Lot of Theories

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It’s difficult to know whether one should be amused, disappointed, or flabbergasted over the current evolution vs. creationism flap in the Capistrano School District.

Teacher John Peloza has created quite a stir in his attempt to present both theories in his biology class. Comments from anti-creationists, utilizing sarcasm and ridicule by many who should know better, is rather disconcerting.

An objective examination of both positions appears to indicate the following:

* Peloza agrees and teaches that the theory of micro-evolution has a strong scientific basis, that over a period of time, there are significant changes within a species. On this, he’s in agreement with most modern biologists.


* He disagrees with the theory of macro-evolution, that advanced organisms evolved out of disorganized matter without any specific design or direction. He is joined in this viewpoint by many modern scientists, including biologists.

* In as much as both creationism (needing design and direction) and macro-evolution (blind chance coming together of random matter) are both merely theories that empirical scientific investigation cannot absolutely prove or disprove, it takes a “leap of faith,” or religious conviction, to accept either.

* On the above basis, both creationism and evolution have some legitimate claim on reality and can rightfully be presented as theories in a science class.


By the way, these so-called science and biology teachers who are so quick to attack Peloza, should refresh their memories of the “Second Law of Thermodynamics” and “atrophy.” They’ll find that, in nature, things go from disorder to more disorder, from “running” to “run down.” It’s scientifically impossible for disorder to produce order without outside direction and design.

