
Higher Education Costs Questioned

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I am a sophomore at Dana Hills High School. My “gang” of peers could best be described as pedantic (last week’s vocabulary word) in that we live by a high standard of values, we don’t do drugs, don’t excel in a particular sport, but are serious in our academic studies, remaining focused in trying to obtain a higher degree in education.

Peter Morrison’s “Students Are Victims” (O.C. Platform, Sept. 30) gave me little hope of ever achieving that educational goal in a UC or Cal State University.

Living in affluent Laguna Niguel, where shopping centers are located on every other street corner and hundreds of half-million-dollar homes are daily being built to accommodate people moving into the beach cities, it is no wonder that DHHS can only boast of its new and existing portables. I can understand why my German II Class had to be combined with German III students.


I believe that our life in the fast lane better slow down and that the adults supposedly in charge of making monumental decisions in our public schools and colleges need to apply the brakes. “Political entrenchments” better find solutions in “genuine reform.” Today, my teachers are highly motivated and giving their best to prepare me for college, but what about tomorrow?

DAVID LAYNE, Laguna Niguel
