
A Proper Action by Border Patrol

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With regard to the “controversial” raid on the Orange Park Villa apartments (“A Proper Intervention,” editorial, Oct. 16), you imply that the entire raid was illegal.

The persons who were residing in those apartments were, for the most part, illegally in this country. As such, they cannot claim any protection under our laws. The Constitution of the United States clearly states that only “those persons born or naturalized” have that protection. This is not to say that they should not be entitled to dignified treatment once apprehended. But to attempt to extend to them legal protection when their very presence is illegal is patently ridiculous.

The facts are simply these: The presence of an illegal element in a city prompted enforcement of United States law. The raid was legal, legitimate and a proper course of action for the INS and the Border Patrol, who have the task of enforcing the law.


Those groups who are claiming violations of rights need to sit down and take a cold, hard look at themselves and see if they are really doing any good for those they claim to be helping. Perhaps they would do more good in attempting to improve the conditions in the illegals’ countries of origin, thus preventing their presence in the first place.

