
Mahony’s Letter on Abortion

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Once again I open my paper to find Cardinal Roger Mahony attacking my religious beliefs (“Mahony Letter Calls Abortion ‘One of Most Evil Sins,’ ” Oct. 18). I am getting sick and tired of it.

This man, who is so quick to denounce perceived attacks on his church’s beliefs, consistently attacks the religious beliefs of me and thousands of other Los Angelenos. Apparently he lacks the understanding to know he is doing this, or doesn’t care.

He refuses to acknowledge that his opponents base our opposition just as surely on our religious beliefs as he bases his positions on his. His intolerant attitude is unbecoming of a religious “leader.”


I find his continued attacks insensitive, bigoted, immoral and vindictive. He has the right to be this way within the walls of his church. But when he fills the public media with his diatribes, I am offended and I know many others are.

