
Mahony’s Letter on Abortion

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The Pope wrings his hands over the plight of poor native tribes in Brazil while attempting to gloss over his church’s role in their genocide. Mahony’s letter condemns abortion as “one of most evil sins.” Try this for another of the most evil of sins: The largest church in the world recommends nothing beyond “rhythm” and celibacy as the answer to the world’s most pressing problem, the population explosion. Just say no! Abortion as murder? What do you call the degradation and starvation of overpopulation? I don’t think anyone wants to have an abortion. Surely it would be no one’s first choice--if they had a choice.

Hasn’t organized religion in general, and Catholicism and religious fundamentalism in particular, hindered humankind long enough? Having so-called religious leaders advising us on problems of this nature is much like having the NRA guiding us in enlightened small arms control.

