
Racial Divisions

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For the last few months many of us in Los Angeles have been following the tragic story of the death of Latasha Harlins.

Your coverage has been thorough, but your frequent referrals to both Latasha Harlins’ and Soon Ja Du’s race seems to me to exacerbate the misunderstanding and distrust not only between the African-American and Korean communities, but among us all.

A terrible thing happened in March. A young woman’s life was snuffed out. A family had a child, a sister, a cousin violently extracted from its midst. Their loss is irreplaceable. Those are not the only losses though. Mrs. Du killed that young girl and she’ll have to live with the memory of that forever.


To constantly remind us that one victim was African-American and the other was Korean-American serves no purpose but to encourage further distrust and suspicion among us all.

