
Harassment and Confirmation Hearings

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As an old high school teacher and mother of sons, I’ve known teen-age boys who sounded at times just like George Bush and certain sanctimonious senators. (When I said cheerfully, “How stupid do you think I am?” the boys usually blinked, thought a bit and quit bluffing.)

Now I guess it’s politically correct to appoint a black man who likes pornography to the Supreme Court, but it’s still “shocking” and “disgusting” for a black woman who dislikes pornography to talk about it to the Senate. How horrible for the White House to hear a lovely American lady resort to matter-of-fact words like penis .

Prudishness and prurience are two sides of the same pornography coin. Perhaps some poor men have to get a jump-start by seeing women overwhelmed and groaning in porno flicks; but women like Hill are underwhelmed and groaning. Or, better yet, laughing.

