
AZTEC NOTEBOOK : Scouts From Freedom, Copper Bowls Impressed

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Representatives from the Copper Bowl and Freedom Bowl were impressed with San Diego State’s 24-21 victory Saturday over Utah.

Joe Hernandez of the Copper Bowl Committee said the loss wouldn’t eliminate Utah from consideration--”There’s too many games to play to determine it,” he said--but was clearly impressed with the Aztecs’ comeback. “They’ve got a good team,” he said.

Jim Murray, scouting for the Freedom Bowl, said the group has no commitment to the Western Athletic Conference but was pleased to get the WAC’s second-place team last year.


Eight SDSU receivers caught passes Saturday--virtually every receiver, tight end and running back who appeared. “We spread the ball around on offense today about as well as it can be done,” Coach Al Luginbill said. “That’s a tremendous asset for us. And (quarterback David) Lowery was phenomenal.”

Tight end Ray Rowe caught three passes for 58 yards, twice blasting through groups of defenders for big gains, including one that set up the winning touchdown.

“If they’re not gonna cover the tight end, we’re gonna throw to him,” Luginbill said.

Rowe, with a grin, said, “I felt (tacklers) grabbing for the ball, reaching for my arm. I just kept running. I was saying to myself, ‘That’s not the way to tackle me.’ ”


Patrick Rowe’s NCAA record of nine consecutive games with at least 100 yards receiving, set last season, was surpassed Saturday by the University of Pacific’s Aaron Turner in UOP’s 27-20 victory over New Mexico State.
