
Without the Correct Directions, All Are Lost

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Throughout my childhood, I spent considerable time in the back seat of a car with my father driving. He describes himself as someone who gets lost between the the driveway and the front door. He repeatedly got lost and refused to ask for directions.

I vowed that this male trait (one of the few my dad has that I hoped not to inherit) was not going to be passed to the next generation. I have no trouble whatsoever stopping and asking for directions.

I must confess, however, that I have my own ‘90s driving personality quirk--I refuse to backtrack if it can at all be avoided. It doesn’t matter if it is shorter to go a route that backtracks, I greatly prefer to move forward only.


I believe that most men feel the same way and don’t like to backtrack. I’ve tested my theory on my buddies and it seems to hold up. It is my theory that we men of the yuppie generation need to feel like we are constantly making progress and moving in the direction of our goals, be it on the road or in life in general.


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