
VENTURA : Clubs Will Collect Food for Homeless

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Putting something other than candy in trick-or-treaters’ bags for Halloween won’t be considered a trick by Ventura College students, who will go door to door collecting canned food for the homeless this week.

Instead of asking for candy, a number of campus clubs will ask Ventura residents to donate canned goods and other non-perishable food items Wednesday and Thursday during the college’s second annual Trick-or-Treat for the Homeless.

All the food will go to Project Understanding, a nonprofit organization that will distribute the food to the homeless in Ventura county, said Rik Gross, chairman of the event for the college’s Associated Student Body.


“This project helps students get involved with the community and builds student awareness of the homeless plight in Ventura,” Gross said. “Last year, we collected about 800 cans. This year, we’re increasing our goal by at least 500.”

Gross said the clubs will trick-or-treat through the neighborhood surrounding the college after their meeting Wednesday night, pulling wagons and driving cars to hold the food. Individual students and clubs will do the same in their own neighborhoods on Thursday.

For more information, contact Ventura College at 654-6462.
