
BUENA PARK : Karcher Enshrined at Wax Museum

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Carl N. Karcher joined the ranks of such celebrities as John Wayne, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gloria Estefan on Tuesday as his likeness was unveiled at the Movieland Wax Museum.

Karcher, founder of Carl’s Jr. restaurants, is the 259th person to be immortalized in wax at the museum, said museum director Mark Edwards.

Usually, new celebrities are chosen from exit polls of museum attendees, but Karcher, the first “non-celebrity celebrity,” was chosen for his contributions to the community, Edwards said.


“He has done a great deal of work personally, through his own efforts, and has directed a lot of money toward charitable organizations,” Edwards said. “And he has kind of become the prodigal son of Orange County. We thought it would be nice to acknowledge someone in the community who has returned a great deal of what he has earned.”

The ceremony Tuesday included the unveiling of the Karcher wax figure, which is holding Movieland tickets and a hamburger.

In addition, Buena Park Mayor Don R. Griffin presented Karcher with a key to the city and proclaimed Tuesday Carl Karcher Day.


“I think this is great,” Karcher said after the ceremonies. “To be in the Movieland Wax Museum with all the celebrities and dignitaries, it’s a great honor.”

Beginning this morning, Karcher’s likeness can be found next to Raymond Burr in a small area marked by the Carl’s Jr. star logo. But within a couple of months, his wax alter ego will be enshrined in a replica of one of his ubiquitous fast-food restaurants.

It took four months to make Karcher’s figure, Edwards said. Wax replicas usually take three to six months to create because it must mirror the subject exactly.


“They are exactly life size, anatomically correct right down to their jockey shorts,” Edwards said.

Karcher said he is pleased with his likeness.

“I think overall, they did an excellent job, considering what they had to work with,” he said, adding that his height, waist, nose, ears were all measured carefully.
