
$401-Million Budget OKd for CRA by Council

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The Los Angeles City Council approved a $401-million budget for the Community Redevelopment Agency Tuesday, with the largest percentage of the agency’s funds allocated for housing.

The plan earmarked $152 million, or a record 38% of the CRA’s budget, on housing, a reflection of the agency’s increasing shift away from commercial developments, which got 6% of the total. CRA officials said that of more than 1,800 new or rehabilitated units planned, 90% will serve low- and moderate-income people as well as AIDS patients, senior citizens and the homeless.

The budget passed on an 11-1 vote, with Ernani Bernardi dissenting. Council members called for greater expenditures on housing and clearer documentation by the CRA of program costs and spending, but the discussion contained little of the acrimony that has marked council debates over the CRA in recent years.
