
Quayle on Environment

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Vice President Dan Quayle’s speech (Oct. 23) to a Washington business group bewailing the safety and environmental regulations placed upon businesses, their products and manufacturing methods is typical of the myopic American and particularly the Republican Party attitude of bullying when things are not to their liking.

To label environmentalists “extremists,” as Quayle did, is incredible considering The Times on the same day ran the report by the United Nations’ scientists warning of the thinning of the ozone layer, due to industrial pollution, and the potential harm to all life on the planet. Why is it Quayle, and all those responsible in government and business, will not stop behaving like children unable to acknowledge their deeds, and behave like mature men and women and accept the fact that we are in an environmental mess? Instead of throwing blame at others, we must search our own consciences, accept the reality that we must change and act accordingly .


Los Angeles
