
Finding the Leak in Senate Hearings

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Pretty speech. So now George Bush will propose legislation that will protect the innocent eyes and ears of the American public from witnessing “the seamier side of Washington.” But can he hide all of it behind a Bush? Maybe. He has done well with Iran-Contra and in concealing the wheeling and dealing that hid a Desert Storm behind a Desert Shield.

I can hardly wait for his legislative proposal to sell voters on a belief in Santa Claus (“trickle up” capital gains tax exemptions for the corporate rich) and the Easter Bunny (“All you poor and homeless folks go out and hunt for the pretty little golden nest eggs that the wealthy folks are going to hide out there for you some day when their tax breaks make them a little richer!”). It’s better if we don’t see these Uncle Sucker punches coming at us, right? Maybe we should just stop the pesky presses or drown them in another media pool under executive order!


