
Schuller’s Ready to Resume Full Power : Televangelist: ‘The recuperation has been 100%’ from brain surgeries, the Crystal Cathedral’s pastor says.

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Two months after undergoing brain surgeries, the Rev. Robert H. Schuller said Friday that he is “100%” healthy and plans to resume his full schedule of pastoral duties.

“My doctor didn’t tell me to slow down one bit, so I don’t intend to,” Schuller said. “. . . Here I am, folks, and the recuperation has been 100%.”

Schuller, 65, host for the TV show “Hour of Power,” underwent surgery for blood clots on Sept. 2 and again Sept. 10, after a head injury in Belgium. He had been traveling in Europe, on a tour including a private audience with the Pope and a visit to the Soviet Union.


While getting into a car in Amsterdam, the televangelist bumped his head. The next morning, he was found lying semiconscious in his hotel room and was hospitalized.

Schuller, founder of the Crystal Cathedral, has been recuperating at his home in Orange for the last month and has undergone outpatient physical and speech therapy at UC Irvine.

He looked tanned and relaxed Friday, flanked by his son, the Rev. Robert A. Schuller, and his co-pastor, the Rev. Bruce Larson. In a 30-minute press conference, he discussed everything from his future plans to the wig that he has been wearing since his operations.


“The only reason I wear it is so people won’t be shocked,” he said. “I wear it because they shaved off all of my hair.”

At one point, Schuller offered to remove the toupee to show reporters his shaved head. But he changed his mind after members of his family objected.

“Well, I don’t want to start giving Kojak competition,” he said, referring to Telly Savalas’ character on the TV detective series.


Under tight security, Schuller strolled through the Crystal Cathedral courtyard, taking a moment to admire a new giant screen mounted outdoors, for followers who choose to watch services drive-in style, from the parking lot.

Since the accident, Schuller said, he has felt the presence of God “like never before. I think that God did this to make me very conscious of how dependent I am on so many people.”

While he was recuperating, Schuller said, he received more than 10,000 cards and phone calls from well-wishers, including President Bush and the Rev. Billy Graham.

“I’m very, very happy, and I want to thank all of the people who prayed for me,” said the preacher, who is known for his sermons stressing the power of positive thinking. “. . . I think today I am the only preacher preaching who had serious surgery to open up their brain and vacuum out whatever residual negative thoughts are left.”

Schuller said he will return to the pulpit Sunday for the first time since June 15.

“Are these three services possible?” Schuller said. “I don’t know, but I’m going to have my doctor sitting there with me because I don’t know what could happen.”

Beyond that, Schuller said, he has made no definite plans.

“I think because I’ve been in recovery and have not been able to work, I have no goals and no plans,” he said. “I’ve been so free of work-drive impulses that I haven’t even had time to think about priorities.”
