
Oil Tough to Dispose Of

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Recently someone sneakily left two gallons of used motor oil on my property.

Not wanting to see it spilled accidentally, I decided to deliver it to a recycling agency for proper disposal.

My local garage gave me the address of another garage, 30 miles away. There the mechanic turned me away, sending me to a third garage, where I was also sent away.

While recycling newspapers, I noticed a sign announcing motor oil recycling by a Thousand Oaks agency.


When I phoned this agency, I was told I do not qualify for their service because I am not a Thousand Oaks resident.

Further phone calls to the Fire Department and several hazardous waste agencies connected me with the health department, which directed me to take the oil to the Santa Clara Landfill (30 miles in another direction) and hope that it would be accepted.

The Santa Clara Landfill cannot accept contaminated oil, and not having used this oil, I do not know whether it is contaminated.


To the person who dumped this used oil: Take care of your own problems.

To the lawmakers who designed hazardous waste legislation: Make it possible for citizens to comply.


