
The Message of ‘In Love and In Danger’

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In the article “In Love and In Danger,” you provided a detailed referral and hotline list for those who need help. However, you omitted one which provides these services to two large populations within the Los Angeles community: Asians and Pacific Islanders.

While abuse of any kind against women of any age may have become less of a taboo subject within the community at large, it remains very much a taboo subject within the Pacific-Asian communities. Women are taught to accept this behavior as part of life and are pressured to accept and conceal their victimization through fear, shame, and family obligations. In fact, Pacific-Asian women do not see themselves as victims. It is against tradition and culture to speak out. Thus, a Pacific-Asian teen-ager would face even more difficulties in dealing with an abusive relationship.

Furthermore, Pacific-Asians tend to conceal and deny problems which they fear would tarnish the image of us as the successful, problem-free, “model minority” group. This also misleads other people as well as Pacific-Asians themselves into believing they do not need such support or services.


Pacific-Asian women of all ages can realize they have a source of support. The Center for the Pacific-Asian Family is in its 14th year of assisting Pacific-Asian women, children and their families, who have been victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse. It is the only agency in Southern California that operates an emergency shelter for Pacific-Asian victims, in addition to a 24-hour hotline staffed by bilingual and bicultural Pacific-Asian counselors. If any Pacific-Asian women or teen-agers need help, they are encouraged to call CPAF’s confidential 24-hour hotline at (213) 653-4042 or (800) 339-3940 (for emergencies).


Outreach Worker,

Center for the

Pacific-Asian Family

Los Angeles
