
Jerry Brown’s Candidacy

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The facts are that Brown is running with a herd of others against George Bush. He is shaking up the political status quo by attacking entrenched incumbency in both parties and refusing to allow more than a $100 contribution per voter to fund his campaign. He is especially incisive about current political debaucheries in our national government and vows to help rescue American ideals from present corruption.

Rockwell lampoons Medflies, “small is beautiful,” “Rose Birdized justice,” Gargantuan government, Draconian environmental proposals (including global regulations to save the Earth), Zen Catholicism and “galactic disorganization” in his flaying assessment of Brown.

It is clever diversionary journalism, designed to help us dismiss Brown as a flake, without ever countering any of the intriguing ideas Brown is actually presenting. Most of the gathering clan of Democratic candidates have also decried the state of the nation’s politics, so why is Brown being burned at the flake stake? Rockwell gives us a clue in citing a recent poll which places Brown first among the candidates and certainly the “most interesting opposition to Bush: the vision-less George vs. crystal-power Jerry.”


Brown scares the conservatives in both parties and may well light a firestorm among fed-up voters if name-callers and propagandists can’t douse him quickly before the flames ignite.


Long Beach
