
CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE : Security Staff Increased for Dorms

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In a move to curtail security problems that have plagued the dorms at Cal State Northridge, the university’s housing services unit has increased its staff and are taking new measures to ensure residents’ safety, university officials said.

“We have an image that is not too positive and we’re doing what we can to change that. We want to make things better here,” said S. Roger Frichette, recently appointed director of housing services.

Soon, he said, campus housing complexes will be gated and automatic arms will be installed at the entrances of all parking lots to deter unauthorized visitors at the dorms.


In the past, security assistants, students who staff the front doors of each dorm, often would hold the doors open and let people walk in without a second glance, said Ron Taix, a dorm resident adviser.

But now they take their jobs more seriously, he said, checking people’s identifications before allowing them in the dorms. In addition, a manager oversees all security assistants, Taix said.

Effective last week, two security assistants were assigned to the doors of every building on Friday and Saturday nights, officials said.


Jeff Ederer, coordinator of residential life, said resident advisers (RAs) have been added.

“We have, for the first time, one RA on each floor and more RAs scheduled on weekends,” he said.

Taix said most of the problems at the dorms, including a stabbing and a shooting incident earlier this semester, have been caused by visitors, not dorm residents.


“The RAs and housing staff are fed up with the problems they bring and are tired of people causing trouble. And now we’re following through,” Taix said.

Taix said he had testified in court against a nonresident who waved a knife at him while he was on duty earlier in the semester.

“By going to court, I know he got what he deserves and I would definitely do it again,” he said.

Since security measures have been increased, vandalism incidents have dropped 50%, Ederer said. He said housing officials hope to lift a ban on parties at the dorms in the near future.

“You can’t ignore the shooting or the stabbing incidents. They have been discouraging,” Ederer said.

The shooting occurred in August when a nonstudent fired 12 shots, barely missing a crowd gathered in dorm parking lot.


More recently, a resident was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend after a disagreement.

The security program is “not perfect yet, that’s for sure, but we’re working on it,” Ederer said.
