
CLIPBOARD : A Pattern of Abuse

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After the first nine months of the year, at least two things are clear about child abuse in Orange County: it is more of a problem this year than last, and the pattern of abuse is remarkably stable.

When the Child Abuse Registry records a case of child abuse in a home, it considers all children in the home, not just the one (or more) who has actually been abused. It is, in fact, a tally of the number of children actually mistreated as well as those in danger of such. During the first nine months of the year, the period for which the most recent information is available, that total was 25,587, up 20.9% from last year’s comparable measure.

However, a look at the types of abuse encountered by children show that from last year to this, there is virtually no variation. For example, while last year 25% of the cases were for sexual abuse, this year the number if 24%. This holds true for the other types, with the largest differentiation being 2% (physical abuse).


Insofar as year-to-year category changes are concerned (far right column below) all are increased. Emotional abuse, though the smallest category, shows the highest percentage jump.

1990 1990 1991 1991 1990-91 Type of Abuse Number Percent Number Percent % Change Sexual 5,396 25 6,082 24 +12.7 Physical 8,483 40 10,822 42 +27.6 Neglect ** 6,672 32 7,846 31 +17.6 Emotional 585 3 802 3 +37.1 Other 27 * 35 * +29.6 TOTAL 21,163 100 25,587 100 +20.9

** Includes caretaker absence or incapacitation

* Less than 1%

Source: Orange County Child Abuse Registry
