
Assimilation of Latinos

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Linda Chavez hits the nail right on the head with her contribution (“Demographics at Odds With Reality,” Commentary, Oct. 21). Chavez states how male Latino leaders are committed to stand between recent immigrants and their assimilation process into the American culture. Current Latino leaders want to keep La Raza Unida (the race united). However, the only goal they achieve is to keep Latinos away from the American Dream--which is what many of us came here for in the first place--by being sidelined and not actively participating in the economic, social and political structure of this great nation.

As an excellent example, she uses the bilingual school program. How in the world can a child be prepared for college if he/she has been taught in a language other than English? I understand that it is probably used as a transition for newcomers. But, unfortunately, the bilingual program is also used as a career and income enhancer by many. While attending Lynwood High School, I came in contact with students who had been in bilingual classes all their school career. When I asked one student why was he in those classes, he answered: “It’s easier, we don’t do anything.” (He spoke to me in perfect English.)

I am part of the 28% Chavez refers to as being immigrant and attending college. I give thanks to my mother for not allowing my counselor to place me in bilingual education. Because otherwise, instead of majoring in political science, I would be taking your order at El Pollo Loco.


