
Japan’s Contempt for America

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It is galling to read that a growing number of Japanese “have nothing but contempt” for America and Americans. I don’t know why I should find this shocking: This is the country whose government encourages cigarette smoking (disposable workers); whose middle-management executives die young from overwork (stimulated by social motives and government apathy); a government whose “environmental” policies are an insult to the world; a people who treat their women with some of the most blatant sexism in an industrial society, and who, quite frankly, would be completely helpless to defend themselves either militarily or economically if it were not for us contemptible Americans. Our determination to maintain a free and open market has allowed the Japanese to steal American technologies, work their people to death to produce it cheaply, then sell it back to Americans!

Ultimately we are to blame for continually buying these Japanese products. The Japanese attitude has not changed since World War II: They are still elitists.

