
If He Can’t Play, L.A. Is the Place for It

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Although the smile has returned, Todd Marinovich is not as happy-go-lucky as he seems. The rookie quarterback is eager to be more involved in the Raider offense.

“It’s really hard to keep your mind (in it),” he said.

Marinovich spends games on the sidelines and practice in the background.

“You know I’d love to be in there playing right now, but it worked out once before so maybe it is best that I sit and watch,” he said, referring to a redshirt year at USC. “I didn’t like doing it (at USC), but after the year was over I’m sure happy that I did.”

If he has to sit, at least he is sitting with the Raiders.

“I was so happy to stay in Los Angeles and live at the beach,” he said. “I couldn’t picture myself anywhere else.”


Marinovich says he does not regret leaving college early and plans to return to earn a degree in art--as much for his family as for himself.

“I always feel there was something I missed in school, that I should have gotten more out of it,” he said of his three years at USC. “I don’t want to have that feeling. There are so many areas of art that I’m interested in.”

His mother, Trudi Fertig, gave Marinovich a catalogue from the prestigious Los Angeles art school, the Otis Art Institute.


Marinovich is a talented illustrator, but needs to develop his skill. He has little background in the masters because he became bored with art history classes at USC.

“They showed slide after slide after slide for 3 1/2 hours,” he said. “After a while, I said, ‘Drop this.’ ”

Marinovich scans the L.A. art scene when he can, but he is not aware of every gallery opening. And he has nothing of his own at his Manhattan Beach apartment, having given away all his work as gifts.


“I love the look people get after I give them something they really like,” he said. “I especially enjoy doing things for someone in mind.”
