
‘Woman With Guts’ Starts Controversy Too

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Wrong, Dianne! America was more scared over what it saw unfolding on the TV relative to the conduct of many of the senators on the Judiciary Committee than it was over Anita Hill’s charges--which, by the way, all scientific and credible polls showed the American people, black and white, did not believe. (“Woman With Guts Puts a Scare Into America,” Oct. 17, Dianne Klein column.)

Regarding those charges: The sheer fact of the matter is that neither she nor her corroborators could substantiate them. Read my lips! She could not prove them to be true.

Fortunately, the real winner in this nightmare has been the affirmation of our judicial principles of guilt vs. innocence, of the Bill of Rights and finally of the American people. We may now be able to determine, from the vote to confirm Judge Clarence Thomas, who the true sexists are in our society.


What with the radical, hard-core “femi-Nazis” and their vocal followers screaming that Anita Hill was victimized to anyone who will listen. Remember, girls, she was the accuser. In America, the accuser must prove the guilt. My suggestion, then, is that if you are having a hard time with this principle, then why not take up residence in some Third World nation, because the rest of us here hold the principle pretty dear. And when we no longer do, then we will get scared.

DAVID FESSENDEN, Huntington Beach
