
LIGHTS OUT: As Laguna Beach wrestled with...

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LIGHTS OUT: As Laguna Beach wrestled with a controversial proposal to prohibit smoking in enclosed restaurants (B1), a new survey shows that fewer adults smoke in Orange County than anywhere else in the state. Dr. Mark P. Miller of the local Heart Assn. attributes it to the county’s zest for exercise and the outdoor life, such as beaches and bike trails. But he wants to see even fewer smokers. . . . “Smoking is terrible for you in about 5,000 different ways,” the cardiologist says.

Looking Healthy

Orange County has the fewest smokers in the state. The number in parenthese shows how counties rank in the state. (1) Orange County: 18.6% (6) Los Angeles County: 20.4% (8) San Diego County: 21.5% (14) Riverside County: 23.0% (18) San Bernardino County: 24.7% Source: Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights
