
Fighting Drugs

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Today, due to the world of drugs and crime, the most closely related job to police work is probably a soldier in a combat zone. This I know firsthand--as a Vietnam-era veteran.

But unfortunately, many citizens in Los Angeles County fail to realize the violent situations that police encounter on a daily basis.

For the record, I’m not a cop. In fact, I am a Latino who has had my share of police injustices. But by the same token, I have also experienced law enforcement officers who have lived up to their true profession: To serve and protect.


But it is a pity that our society focuses on the image that a few bad apples project.

I agree with Martinez, when he stated: “Clearly, the greatest threat to human rights of our urban citizens comes from criminals, not from the police.”

On behalf of those of us who know good cops are not rare, I salute you!


San Gabriel
