
Port Hueneme Code Violations May Get Costlier

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Port Hueneme property owners who do not mend fences, repair plumbing, silence barking dogs or correct other code violations would be charged for the cost of their prosecution under a plan tentatively approved by the City Council Wednesday.

The city gives violators of its building, zoning or property maintenance codes two notices before it issues a ticket or files a misdemeanor charge. Under the proposed cost-recovery plan, violators would have to pay legal fees and other costs the city incurs in enforcement. The city has budgeted $165,000 this year for code enforcement.

Port Hueneme aggressively enforces its codes intended to keep housing in good repair and maintain a clean appearance in residential neighborhoods.


“That’s one of the reasons why the city looks as good as it does, “ City Manager Richard Velthoen said.

Community development director Thomas Figg said Port Hueneme would be the first city in the county to institute such charges. Violators could appeal to the City Council if they disagree with the amount they are billed, he said.

A final vote on the issue will be taken Nov. 20.
