
Ante Up: A judge ordered fashion designer...

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Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Ante Up: A judge ordered fashion designer Mary McFadden for the second time to pay her estranged husband $600 a week in temporary support. The court told McFadden, 53, Wednesday to make back payments plus interest to Kohle Yohannan, 23, and to pay his lawyer, Raoul Felder, $8,500. The couple, married in 1989, are involved in a stormy divorce: She calls him a homosexual “toy boy” and he calls her an abusive drunk who liked kinky sex. And she did not like the court decision either: “I’m going to fight. I don’t think he deserves a penny.”

Escape Hatch: Aspen, the Colorado ski resort popular with yuppies, will allow some offenders to pay fines on the spot. People arrested for any of 30 violations can pay fines of $50 to $200 and get on with their vacations. Offenses range from carrying open containers of liquor to resisting arrest. City leaders said the policy makes sense because so many of the people cited are vacationing out-of-towners who skip court appearances and fines anyway.

Crisis: The success of Operation Desert Storm is attributable mainly to organization and leadership, says retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf. The leader of U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf War told 2,500 business leaders in Tulsa, Okla.: “People talk about a leadership crisis. It’s never a competence problem. It’s an ethical, moral crisis. It’s a problem of character.”


I Demand a Recount: Mayor Jim Marsh is among the incumbents suffering post-election disappointment: He won. Marsh didn’t seek another two-year term to lead New Market, Minn., pop. 243, because he wanted to spend more time with his family. But he won anyway, with a grand total of 31 write-in votes. Although the reluctant mayor was not a candidate in three of the four elections he’s won, at least this time he has some consolation in the vote total: “Last time, I had 50-some-odd votes.”
