
Facing a Responsibility

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I am writing in response to Rabbi Abraham Cooper’s call for a retail-chain boycott of Ice Cube’s new record, “Death Certificate” (“Wiesenthal Center Denounces Ice Cube’s Album,” Calendar, Nov. 2):

While the Simon Wiesenthal Center is wasting its time and energy hunting down an important black artist, they stand by silently while America elects the likes of David Duke.

Where has the Wiesenthal Center been the last 12 years when the real enemies of freedom have been undermining the civil rights of all Americans? If we continue this narrow-minded finger pointing, we may wake to find history repeating itself, and Jews and blacks--or anyone without blond hair and blue eyes and conservative views--will be rounded up, and we will have another Holocaust in our lifetime.




Editor’s note: Rabbi Cooper reports that the Wiesenthal Center has been monitoring Duke for a decade and took a Holocaust exhibit to the Louisiana Capitol in June, 1989, at the invitation of Gov. Buddy Roemer and the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, directly confronting Duke in front of his colleagues with Holocaust survivors.
