
CAMROSA : Water Board Delays Computer Purchase

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Outgoing directors of the Camrosa Water District postponed the long-awaited purchase of a $98,000 computer system this week, largely at the request of four directors-elect who will be seated on the panel later this month.

In Tuesday’s election, three directors of the embattled district were recalled and replaced, and two new candidates were placed in the remaining seats. On Thursday, incoming director Ronald J. Vogel asked the current board to “refrain from sanctioning any extraordinary expenditures” until the new board takes over.

“One hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money to spend,” said Vogel, who will be seated on the all-new board on Nov. 25. “All I’m saying is wait 30 days. There’s a million things I’d like to know about it.”


After some consideration, the board honored Vogel’s request and decided to forgo action on several other items, including the adoption of a financial master plan for the district and selection of a committee to review water allocations.

However, the board did approve the expenditure of $12,000 to have a consultant study plans to build a waste water treatment plant.

The computer system would replace a 10-year-old system that district staff members use. That system requires constant attention from a systems analyst and has caused problems in billing with a newly implemented rate structure, according to consultant Robert Olsen.


The board’s actions have been under close public scrutiny since May, when it raised water rates to its 8,400 homes.
