
Republicans and David Duke

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Racism is a fact of life. Generally enlightened societies recognize it for the threat it poses for social harmony--and try to suppress it when, in response to personal prejudice and/or economic dislocations, it rises to the surface.

I see racism as genetically factored into human behavior, a development arising from eons-long tribal rivalries now holding us subject to reactions shaped by primitive necessity. Having wriggled out from under the complete control of nature, modern man is in the uncomfortable position of learning to govern himself. The ease by which Duke and others exploit racism shows that this will be hard to do.

May I add that it is impossible to penetrate the logic informing some racists who maintain that God is in complete agreement with their agenda. The idea that God, generally regarded by believers as merciful and loving, would lend himself to the support of programs promoting race hatred and genocide is utterly obscene.



Mission Hills
