
Republicans and David Duke

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Thank you, Thad Benson and Robert Davis (letters, Oct. 29) for finally showing us just exactly how David Duke has been allowed and even encouraged to reach the unthinkable political level he has attained today. Though I have never been a supporter of Jesse Jackson or Tom Hayden, to compare either to David Duke is defamatory at best and patently demonstrates the bigotry and ignorance which led Duke to power.

Since the Reagan Administration and Bush candidacy, race baiting has become an acceptable part of campaign politics--remember Willie Horton? Contrary to Davis’ comparison of Duke to the Rev. Jesse Jackson, David Duke will always be “at best” a klansman and Nazi. For Duke is the worst and most dangerous type of racist. In his insidiousness, he sounds like the type of politician usually endorsed by the far-right conservative ethic; but scratch the surface and his white sheets and Nazi brownshirt remain firmly intact.

To compare Duke to Hayden and Jackson is ridiculous. Our great country and our children will be the ultimate losers if Duke and his ilk prevail.



