
Parking on Lawns

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In response to “Lawn Parking Offenders May Face Crackdown,” Oct. 28:

Councilman Nate Holden asserts that lawn parking is one of the major issues of his constituents and, further, he doesn’t accept arguments that some people park on their lawns to deter car theft. In the Oct. 29 paper the issue of smoking in restaurants is again raised. Both of these issues pale in comparison to the problems in Los Angeles today; the shocking number of homeless, gang violence, police brutality, city government mismanagement . . . and yes, rampant auto theft.

How dare Holden and others ignore these problems and focus on an issue like lawn parking when the city is literally being overrun with gangs and the resultant crimes? A lawn is useless if you’re afraid to leave your home. If people were confident in their personal safety and security, a benefit would be pride in their neighborhood. Lawn parking is like beautification of a war zone--pointless.

I have long felt that the job of an elected official was to show some vision, to lead voters, to look at the larger picture. People are starving for real leadership. If only somebody would offer an honest, even radical, solution people would be happy to support him or her.


