
PLATFORM : Goodby, Columbus

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<i> MICHAEL HORSE is an American Indian actor and activist who portrayed Deputy Hawk in "Twin Peaks." He spoke about the controversy over the selection of Cristobal Colon, a direct descendent of Christopher Columbus, as grand marshal of the 1992 "Voyages of Discovery" Rose Parade:</i>

If Columbus had gone with the intent to be an explorer, to share with other cultures, to learn from other cultures, to bring other cultures together, it would have been a different story.

Columbus went with the intention to conquer, to colonize and to steal. It’s in his own journal. He made slaves of these people. He raped and pillaged the land. It’s extremely insulting to native people to (make) this man a hero.

A lot of people say, “Well, there should be Indians in the parade, too.” No, we don’t even want to be in the same parade. I’m sure (Colon) is (a nice guy), but it’s something that we find offensive, and we’ve been kicked around long enough that I think this country owes a little bit of deference.


They should not allow (Colon) in the parade. Maybe (Colon) is not educated on the facts of Columbus’ life. If he was, then it should be obvious (to him) why we find it distasteful and offensive.
