
Who Can Be Trusted When It Comes to Mortgage Deeds?

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Evelyn De Wolfe’s article (“Misdeeds of Trust,” Oct. 20) was a noteworthy expose on home equity fraud. However, her article failed to include Bet Tzedek Legal Services as a primary source of help for victims of such fraud.

Bet Tzedek (The House of Justice) has been at the forefront of preventing, exposing and combating these scams since they took hold in Los Angeles neighborhoods more than two years ago. Indeed, the Los Angeles Times was so impressed with our work that your paper ran an editorial endorsing our program in February, 1990.

Bet Tzedek provides no-cost legal representation to more than 9,000 low-income, elderly and disabled residents of Los Angeles County each year. Our offices are at 145 S. Fairfax Ave., in Los Angeles (phone (213) 939-0506), in North Hollywood and at 31 senior centers throughout the county. As a public service to your readers, please let them know we are here to serve them.


SUSAN STANLEY-LEV, Public Affairs Director, Bet Tzedek Legal Services
