
Native Californian Disgusted by Excess

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Re “There’s No Place Like Home” (Oct. 27): As someone who was born and raised in Southern California and left six years ago, I can say that each time I have returned for a visit I’ve been more saddened and disgusted by what I’ve found.

It has only taken 12 million people some 50 years to destroy everything that made it one of the most desirable places in the U.S.

There are three steps that could be taken to reverse the deplorable situation:

* First, send the last 5 million people to arrive here back to where they came from.

* Second, level 40% of the urban sprawl and replace it with the original landscape.

* Third, put Mayor Bradley, the Los Angeles City Council and a select cabal of developers on trial for crimes against the environment.


Desperate times call for desperate measures, and it’s desperation time in this city.

MIKE BURICA, Montecito
