
Schools Plan Meetings on AIDS for Parents

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The Los Angeles Unified School District will launch a series of community meetings next week to provide parents with information on the district’s AIDS education and prevention efforts.

The school board is now evaluating recommendations from a task force that spent two years reviewing the district’s AIDS education program. That group recommended that the district make condoms available to junior and senior high school students. Health clinics at three of the district’s 49 high schools already dispense condoms to students who ask for them. The task force, which included medical experts, educators, parents and gay activists, also has recommended that the district begin teaching fifth grade students about the disease.

Meetings on the report are scheduled for Nov. 19 at Bancroft Junior High in Hollywood, Nov. 21 at Bethune Junior High in South-Central Los Angeles, Dec. 3 at Roosevelt High in East Los Angeles, Dec. 10 at White Junior High in Carson, and Dec. 11 at Birmingham High in Van Nuys. All meetings will begin at 7 p.m.
