
This Idea for Sharing Bathrooms Stinks

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“There He Goes Again” should be the heading for things done by City Atty. Robert Myers of Santa Monica. This time it’s a statute creating “co-ed” public restrooms (when three or more people are in line). Does anybody remeber the introduction of co-ed dormitories in colleges, followed by the sudden appearance of so-called date-rape?

Everything starts somewhere and we seem to be living in a time when we aren’t connecting events. I can’t imagine using the bathroom successfully with a WOMAN PRESENT, AND I don’t hink most women would enjoy using the bathroom with a man present. The safety of Santa Monica residents and visitors is being compromised by the current city attorney, and the City Council. Watch what happens on the “‘honor system” when this new law goes nto effect. Will Mr. Myers then suggest suspending laws dealing with indecent exposure?

ARTIE KANE Los Angeles
