
A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week. : CITY COUNCIL

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* LANGUAGE BAN: Councilman Marvin Braude introduced a proposal requesting the city attorney prepare an ordinance that would prohibit city employees--including police--from using racial, ethnic, gender or homophobic slurs. Penalties would be imposed on violators. Braude said his proposal was spurred by slurs contained on transcripts of conversations among Los Angeles police officers. The transcripts were released in the wake of the police beating of Rodney G. King. Braude said the transcripts have “made us more sensitive to the ugly, hateful impact that language can have.”

* TRAFFIC STUDY: Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky proposed spending nearly $30,000 for a study to determine traffic mitigation measures to reduce commuter and commercial traffic congestion in Westwood residential areas.

* HISTORIC BUILDINGS: The council approved a request from the Cultural Heritage Commission to include the Midtown School on the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments. The school buildings at 4155 Russell Ave. were designed in 1960 by architect John Lautner and reflects his unique, modernistic and innovative style, according to the commission.


* WALK OF FAME: The council approved putting the name of the late rock musician Jimi Hendrix on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A ceremony is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Nov. 21 at 6627 Hollywood Blvd.

* CABLE HIKE: Councilman Nate Holden introduced a proposal opposing a planned 13.9% increase in monthly customer rates by Century Cable Co. Holden also requested council support of a pending U.S. House measure that would allow cities to regulate cable television rates.


* GANG PROGRAM: Approved spending $1,838,314 to continue the Community Youth Gang Service Project through September, 1992. The program, which attempts to reduce gang violence, is operated by the county of Los Angeles. Passed: 14-0.


Voting yes: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Nate Holden, Ruth Galanter, Joel Wachs, Michael Woo and Zev Yaroslavsky.

* SETTLEMENT: Approved spending $570,000 to settle a lawsuit filed against the city by a woman who claimed a Hollywood apartment building she owned was damaged by leaking sprinklers and water draining from nearby Lemon Grove Park. Under the settlement, the money will be used to purchase the property, which will become part of the park. Passed: 14-0.

Voting yes: Braude, Ferraro, Holden, Galanter, Wachs, Woo and Yaroslavsky.
