
Ground-Water Contamination

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Torres’ recap of long-known valley ground-water contamination has the wrong remedy. Torres desires a new state agency. Instead “do-it-ourself” means do it locally. He should know that Metropolitan Water District, the basin watermaster and the local municipal water district will produce a negotiated win-win solution before 1996. A scheme valley ratepayers will prefer compared to a $200 million to $400 million, 80% locally funded demonstration project.

Torres’ project would wrest local control, but contribute only 20% federal-state funding.

Several years of excellent rainy seasons combined with the MWD-watermaster ground-water management strategies being devised will benefit the region, while not harming basin interests, and speed Mother Nature’s own cleansing process. Upper District technical staff has facetiously compared the local water basin to a toilet, which must be flushed whenever possible. Our new operating strategy promotes faster natural basin cleansing.

Unlike the congressman, we directors possess no campaign war chests insuring hereditary control of the local water board. When we prove unequal to the new environmental ethic, the voters will act.



Upper San Gabriel Valley

Municipal Water District

West Covina
